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Endo Tools Therapeutics

ENDO TOOLS THERAPEUTICS (ETT) is a privately held medical device company in Gosselies, Belgium. ETT is dedicated to the development of innovative devices providing new means of therapeutic interventions for gastroenterologists. It is a spin-off from Université Libre de Bruxelles, bases on a collaboration between the engineers of the engineering school and the gastroenterologists from Erasme Hospital.

ETT is currently developing a triangulation platform that will add therapeutic channels and degrees of freedom for interventional gastroenterology.

Over the last 40 years, digestive endoscopy has moved from purely diagnostic endoscopy to simple therapeutic endoscopy then to more complex surgical endoscopy. Recent progresses are now aiming at obesity and gastro-esophagian reflux treatment using only body orifices. This requires medical devices more complex than the ones available today.

To make these treatments possible, a triangulation system (ie : a system that allows to operate with and angle relatively to the axis of the endoscope) within the digestive tract is necessary. Currently, gastroenterologists are limited in their surgical possibilities as traditional endoscopes have their therapeutic channels locked in the endoscope axis, making the gastroenterologist one-handed. A triangulation system permits to orient instruments relatively to each other, which provides the degrees of freedom used when a surgeon uses his hands. The gastroenterologist can hence make a stitch or raise a tissue to improve lesion visibility. This permits true transoral surgery and this is why Endomina has been developed.

Endomina is a universal triangulation system for gastroenterologists. It provides a flexible therapeutic channel that can move independently from the endoscope. Thanks to this degree of freedom, the gastro-enterologist can perform endoscopic suturing similar to laparoscopy interventions, but using only natural orifices.

The universality of Endomina makes it attractive and unique. The gastroenterologist can therefore use and change the endoscope and tools, expanding the scope of therapeutical possibilities.

Potential applications include obesity treatment, gastro-esophagial reflux disease or complex tumors resection. Endomina is CE Marked.

Rue Auguste Piccard 48
6041 Gosselies